Thursday, 25 April 2013

Considered the ethical implications of my actions: Service and Creativity (Health Issues Committee)

International Women’s day (March 8th) was my second awareness campaign as part of the Health Issues Committee. We approached the project with much the same method as our breast cancer campaign.

First we began to research and gather material on the subject. Then we started a poster advertising campaign to get people excited for the day. We put together a presentation to give to tutor groups, I volunteered to present along with some other girls to the 8th grade tutorial class, which was an interesting experience. At first we found it quite difficult to get the groups attention as they had just come in to school and were rather rowdy. However after a while we got their attention and gave a strong presentation about the importance of the day. Below are a couple of photo’s of the presentation.

Another part of the campaign was a flash mob we organized. A group put together a dance routine and then over a session of lunch times taught it to the committee. We planned it very well and on International Women’s day we performed the flash mob to a startled crowd in the DSC. 

 We also put on a very successful bake sale to raise funds for the cause. All in all it was a very interesting and effective campaign to bring to light the importance of International Women's Day.

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